Disclaimer: We aren’t perfect…now isn’t that a surprise

I have a real love/hate relationship with perfection.

Something inside of me craves it. But I always feel as though I fall way short of it.

Which is why you will hear me wondering around muttering: Progress, not perfection. Progress, dang it. Progress.

But something in me this morning feels the need to share with millions of people that I don’t know (and the 30 people I do know) that we are not perfect at Cocklebur Junction. We are just us. Sometimes we are in our pj’s at noon. Sometimes my sink just can’t get shiny (like the flylady says it should be). And there is often crayon on the walls and something green and stinky on my boots (if there is an animal within a four mile radius, I will step in the poop).

But that’s okay.

The truth is that I do have a wonderful family. And my marriage is every bit the love story that I portray it to be. Oh, I’m not in denial or anything. We’ve been through horrible, gut-wrenching things over the years. We’ve lost tens of thousands of dollars in bad business decisions, we’ve lost our dads, we’ve lost babies, we’ve lost each other once or twice.

But when I started writing about how the cowboy and I met and fell in love, I realized something. All of it changes us. Every day changes us. And we have always embraced that. We’ve always talked about everything — even when we didn’t feel like ever talking to each other again.

And God changed us.

So if you wonder how our family became the way it is today, know that it took a lot of work, change and God.

After all —

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” — Romans 12:2

Hey, I guess it might be perfect around here after all….what a good surprise!

One Response to “Disclaimer: We aren’t perfect…now isn’t that a surprise”

  1. Margo/MS Hospitality December 4, 2009 at 11:35 am #

    Because Christ first loved us… the real reason for any change in our lives. I chose to accept Christ when I was 31. I’m now 61 and every day, I pray that something inside of me changes for the good so that I can reflect Christ on the outside. You are still at the beginning of your life journey… walk carefully and keep your heart open. And poo does happen… in every situation I’ve lived through… but Christ… Oh Christ… He sends his cleansing grace and we are all clean again. Keep your eye on Him and everything will fall into place.
    Margo aka MS Hospitality

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